Empower the Divine Feminine


Earth is receiving an inflow of high vibrational energy enabling everything that have been suppressed by the veils of illusion to come to light.Ā  The suppressed feminine is one of these.

For many years the patriarchal system has supressed the feminine. Ā This suppression has caused a wound, and the energy of it has been unable to flow and has become pent up. Ā Pressure that mounts eventually explodes out - much like a volcanic eruption instead of a gentle flow of lava.

And the high vibrational energy bombarding Earth is assisting in rising the feminine in all of us. It is only through the healing can the feminine be truly empowered.Ā 

The difference between a wounded feminine and the empowered feminine;

  1. The empowered feminine is objective, clear and comes from a perspective of ā€˜Weā€™. The wounded feminine is always triggered and comes from the perspective of the ā€˜Iā€™.Ā 
  2. The empowered feminine always loves, guides, nurtures and honours in an effort to build others up. The wounded fe...
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