Tips for Moving to the New Consciousness


New energies are coming in fast and strong to Earth amplifying the existing grid of consciousness and bring hidden truths to the surface.

Many of the structures that we are used to and taken for granted are breaking down. Whether it is at a country or personal level, the breaking down is a destabilising process. We may find friends drifting away, jobs coming to an end and what we have been taking for granted changing and shifting. Some of us may be faced with hard truths about some of the basic structures in our lives

All change can be scary and occurs when we are edged past what we are comfortable with. Evolution only occurs when we question what is happening and allow change to happen. So, the more things are shaken up, the more we question and the more we evolve. 

There are three steps to focus on for a breakthrough in the change:

Step 1 Starting to manifest what we wish to create in the New Earth based on what resonates with us.

Step 2 Being led by our...

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